18 May, 2008

Job hunting

First off, job hunting sucks! Especially in a foreign country where they have a totally different name for jobs. I have been looking for work in Sydney. It's hard to choose what to search for because I will be a temporary worker due to my visa restrictions. Although I have a teaching degree, I can't become a teacher in Australia on this visa. So I am looking elsewhere for work. My dream job is a PA (Personal Assistant)/EA (Executive Assistant) for a company. Weird I know but that's what I want to do. I have searched for these positions but it seems like all of them want you to have previous experience in the office. Which I have not, so I am gonna have to start at the bottom. So now when I search, I look for Office Assistant/Junior so that I can find something entry level and hopefully work my way up. I have started saving the jobs on seek.com.au and I have also posted a resume online. I won't start applying until June but my search is ongoing.

Enough about jobs. I check my YDU website daily and sometimes I read the posts that look interesting. One of the guys on there posted about his relationship ending. He was in an online relationship for a while and moved to Sydney to be with his partner. Soon after arriving, his partner said he did not find him attractive. You think that his partner would have known this before the YDU guy moved to be with him. It is heart breaking to hear but I know it happens. Some people can be so cruel. I have had a fear of this but right now I am confident in everything. I am trying to stay positive so that my experience will be positive.

Here is one of the best things I will miss:
A West Texas sunset

Onward with the job search...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Val! It's me Tors. Just thought I'd come and visit your blog. So far so good! Take care and looking forward to reading all your impressions about Oz. (glad you like YDU too!)
